We’re constantly experimenting with learning formats and ideas, and no matter what we’re curious about, we know for sure there will always be an element of collaboration and co-creation within the community.

Simply because more brains are better than one, and there’s no one convincing us otherwise!

Enjoy exploring some of our past projects below. 🤩

UNCONventional L&D

Community take-over

Top 3 challenges small L&D teams face in 2023

In March 2023, a small group of community members set out to explore the top 3 challenges and priorities for small L&D teams this year. We followed a human-centered research and ideation approach and used several methods to get there.

We landed on the following three priorities: 📈 How might L&D be more data-driven to demonstrate its business effectiveness?

🧠 How might L&D design career growth paths to upskill and reskill their people?

✨ How might L&D enable learner engagement?

Then, we workshopped four potential solutions in detail.

Today, we’re inviting you all to contribute your ideas and potential solutions to this open Padlet board. 🔥

If you want to explore this project further, you can find more details + a link to the ideation board + a ready-to-use Miro board template + links to all the methods we used in the project landing page.

A massive kudos to the project team for steering this exploration, and a shout-out to the Shakers we interviewed and those that attended the ideation workshop.

Enjoy exploring and getting inspired! 💡

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Project ARTEFACT 500

How do we teach others what we now? 👀And what role do artefacts play in that process?

ARTEFACT 500 was a one-week community research project led by Nick Petch aiming to explore the process of learning artefact creation.

Community members had access to this Miro board, and specific instructions on how to design their artefacts and document them.