Our community values and code of conduct guide our interactions online and offline. Please read them carefully and follow them at all times while you are a member of the L&D Shakers.



While interacting with other members, we ask that you keep the following principles in mind to help us to maintain a safe and inclusive environment:

Community No Selling Policy

L&D Shakers is a place for connecting, learning, and growing, with a strict “no selling” policy.

Selling or promoting your product or service can ONLY BE DONE in our community Slack channel #2-promote-your-services. Alternatively, you can also add your business details to our community marketplace.

Other channels where you can promote your work are:

#2-proud-me = is for your FREE resources (podcasts, articles, e-books, courses, newsletters, events etc).

#2-promote-your-services = is the place for all your PAID offerings.

#2-other-events-courses-trainings = FREE events and courses THAT ARE NOT YOUR OWN, and are not organized by L&D Shakers.