STEP 1: Find your Coach

Before you book any session, take some time to browse through coaches profiles, experience, availability and spoken languages.

STEP 2: Book your session

After you’ve made your choice, use the Calendly link on their profile page to book your first session. You and your Coach will receive an instant calendar invite for the session.

STEP 3: Make the donation

Visit the crowdfunding page we opened for Save the Children International and make a donation for their wonderful cause.

STEP 4: Fill out the intake form to secure your spot

When you book your session, you will be redirected to the intake form you will need to fill out within the next 48h to secure your spot. Otherwise, we’ll cancel the booking and free up that spot for someone else.

STEP 5: Enjoy the session

Access the session using the video conferencing link in the calendar invite and enjoy the session. You can use these tips to prepare yourself.

STEP 6: Feedback & rebooking

After the session, your Coach will send you an anonymous feedback form you can use to tell them how it all went for you. Also, you can book your next session with the same Coach, or someone else!